Interesting facts about Tim Burton and his Universe

The Most Viral And Interesting News Stories Around The World


They auditioned for superhero roles and you never imagined!

For many reasons we got obsessed with movies about superheroes and before watching these movies we first knew them through comics, and if watching these stories on cinema makes us feel really excited, imagine how incredible would be playing the role of a superhero. When it is about castings for these kind of roles is […]


The most beautiful animals that future generations may never see

Every year more animals all around the world are in danger and even if there are many animals that are endangered and humans are not doing anything to stop it, we may say we care about those animals but we are not showing empathy about their situation because we are damaging their natural habitat. This […]


Wedding pictures are going to make you want to fall in love

There is no better way to remember this special day than taking photos of the best moments of this day. Many of these pictures are so good and the photographer received an award.


Popular series scenes recreated by artist in 8-bit illustrations

For every gamer who knows about video game languages, 8 bits makes reference to consoles and games which appeared in the 80’s when Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Master System released them. This artist uses famous and classic 8 bits video games that we saw for the very first time at the end of the […]


The way a colorblind person with tritanopia sees the world, the colors are just beautiful!

Color blindness represents a group of conditions that affect the perception of color. Color Blindness can be genetic. One condition is called Tritanopia which is a way of color blindness and the person confuses blues and greens. There are many types of Color Blindness which makes difficult to have the perception of color in everything […]


The best cosplays that look exactly like the real character, they will totally confuse you!

Nowadays cosplayers are very popular. People wear costumes of their favorites characters or superheroes, trying to make every detail perfect or at least similar to the real character. There are many events where people can wear their costumes. Some cosplayers have perfect costumes, some of them can fool us and we think is the real […]


Useful gifts that we, deep down, all want to receive

Some people succeed more than others. These are some very useful gifts that we, deeply,  all want to receive. These are some useful ideas that you can use.


Pictures that will make you feel satisfied just by seeing them

Take a look at these 20 pictures that you, the number one perfectionist, will definitely love!