Mundo EN - Awesome stories - Page 20

The Most Viral And Interesting News Stories Around The World


Celebrities that fall in love in movie sets

These celebrities found their ideal partner while they interpreted their characters for a movie, creating a true chemistry, and although not all of them are still together, they managed to connect us with these romantic stories. Love can be felt in sets, what is your favorite couple?


Meet the actors of Stranger Things in their daily lives

Learn what Stranger Things actor’s do and how they are in their real lives outside the camera and set. Ready for the new season?


The top things you can’t miss if you are visiting Disney World

Disney, the place where dreams come true. All the lights, its colors, Mickey Mouse, Minnie mouse, all of the Disney Movies and characters and so many things you’ll always remember! Here we are sharing some things that you can’t miss if you’re visiting Disney World.


Bottoms up! These are 20 of the weirdest drinks in the world

We all love trying new things and have a weird attraction to somethings that that do not even sound tempting. We made our research and we don’t know why but for some reason, these weird drinks were invented and apparently, they are popular.


We’ll show you some of the most colorful spots in America

Visiting happy places makes as happier people, that is why, we are going to show you the most colorful places in the US.


A look at some of the most Famous Filmakers and their Insane filmmaking methods

Some directors have weird ways of directing their crew members! Check how they manage to get their masterpieces done.


Best places around the World to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s Eve!

The end of the year can be a great time to celebrate or even to reflect. Some of us prefer it to be alone, and others love to celebrate it in family. Here, we are going to share some of the greatest places to celebrate it!


These tips will help you overcome Procrastination

You will never succeed if you don’t even try because of fear. Fear, only paralyze us, it’s our worst enemy. Here are some cool tips to help you beat that big monster that is procrastination.


The most Expensive Movie productions of all-time

Making a movie can be a very expensive project – the cast, the crew, the effects, the sets, the props, there are many things. Here, we are going to show you some of the most expensive movies of all times.