Sea slugs are marine invertebrates that look like terrestrial slugs. Most creatures known as sea slugs are actually snails; they come in different shapes, colors, and sizes, with gills and pointed tentacles on their backs. Sea slugs have translucent bodies, and since they are very colorful, there is a constant threat of predators, but they have stinging poisonous cells to protect themselves.
They are undoubtedly the coolest and most exotic creatures on earth so we have made a list of amazing pictures and interesting facts about sea slugs.
Leaf Slug (Elysia Chlorotica)
The Elysia Chlorotica is a species of green sea slug, a marine opisthobranch gastropod mollusk. They can be found along the east coast of the United States, including the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Florida and Texas. This little buddy looks like a leaf!
Lettuce Sea Slug (Elysia Crispata)
Source: Ashley Hauck
According to the photographer Ashley Hauck, “Lettuce Sea Slug With a name like E. crispata and an appearance like curly salad greens, the Lettuce Sea Slug could almost find itself at home in your crisper drawer. It looks like a nudibranch, and those who know me know I love nudibranchs, but it isn't. It's not even closely related to nudibranchs. It belongs to a different category of slug entirely, known as "sap-sucking slugs," named for its propensity for slurping the juicy bits out of the algae it eats”
Nembrotha Kubaryana
According to, “This relatively large species, sometimes growing more than 5 inches long, seems to range in color. Essentially black with green pustules, or green longitudinal ridges, there is a bright orange border to the foot and around the oral lappets. In some specimens, the rhinophores and gills have orange markings but in others, these are green.”