When you decide to get a tattoo lots of things come to your head. One of them and the most important one for me is that it is something that’s going to be there until the day you die. Although there are ways to remove it, your skin never stays the same as it was. Not to mention how much you need to trust the person who is tattooing you. S
omething permanent is in that person’s hands. The thing is that in most of the cases, you do not know the person who can make things go wrong. Here we are going to show you tattoos that went horribly wrong. Check it out!
Regret noThing
We're still trying to figure out what Nohing means. Oh, wait. Was it noThing they meant? I guess if they really wanted no regrets, they should have checked the spelling. Please, if you are going to write something in your own body just check that the one whose writing it for you knows the language at least!
Never don’t give up.
We get it bro! You don’t want anyone to give up. Well, good message. However, please say it right! “Never give up” or “don’t give up” maybe you couldn’t decide which one looked better maybe he did mean give up? Never don't give up = Give up? Not sure.
It’s is my life – Jon Bovi.
Biggest Jon Bovi's (lol) fan EVER! Or maybe not. Really? Well maybe this guy had dyslexia or something. In that case, we wouldn’t judge. However, would you ask for somebody whose dyslexic to write a tattoo? People sometimes surprise me. It's his life, at least he was right about that.
Oh baby!
This one’s has to be my favorite. I'm sure this proud parent wanted to immortalize their beautiful baby on their skin forever - too bad the tattoo artist wasn't very good at portrait tats. Sometimes it's not only the thought that counts, if you're going to have it on your skin for the rest of your life, you should try and find the best person for the job.
Oh baby, again!
Here it comes again. Another one. Please people! Maybe the good tattoo artists are expensive, but it's for a reason. Trust us that this investment is one you will one to not take lightly, especially since you get to keep it forever.
It’s get better.
Are you sure it GETS better? Written like this? I don’t think so…. perhaps it DOES get better. Well, I don’t know. At least this one had all the right letters, it was just that they were in the wrong order. Spellcheck is your friend.
Just wrong in all senses.
Tasteless horrible idea or coincidence. Have you figured it out? Well, we're sure its owner thinks it's hilarious, and to be fair, if he likes it then it's all good. I don't think I would be showing it around but that's just me.
Lyric genious
This one does not make any sense. Is not the spelling, but the whole phrase itself that’s wrong. Well maybe it's right for him, but it just doesn't rhyme very much. But maybe it's not supposed to rhyme be to be sung with a beat?
Selfie time
Some people would say this girl is a bit narcissistic - I mean, taking a selfie and then tattooing that selfie onto your own body may be a bit self conceited. But hey, one needs to learn how to love oneself and this lady has definitely embraced herself. You go girl.
This is another case where we need to stress that there are a lot of fantastic portrair tattoo artists out there who create magical works and are just insanely good... but sadly, this wasn't one of them. It bothers me a bit that this tat was "In Memoriam" because it's so poorly executed.
This is a case of not letting your friends take important decisions while intoxicated. This man was very drunk when someone dared him to get a pair of glasses tattooed and he thought it was the most hilarious idea ever. We're pretty sure he was regretting it the day afterwards, but the deed was done.
Scary baby.
The scariest baby I’ve seen in my whole life. His face can’t be true, not to talk about his mouth or his eyes. It doesn’t even look like a baby’s face. OMG please fire that tattoo artist right now, you can’t pay for something like this.
This can’t be happening.
I can’t figure out which one’s worse. The little guy in the tattoo looks weird not to say cartoonish and the “older” one looks like the angriest kid on earth. People! Find good tattoo artists!
Wonder woman.
This one went a little too far with this tattoo. The colors, the clouds, pink eyes the eyebrow shape. At least they are super original eyebrows... the only thing is that she will get to keep them that way for a lonnnng time.
Alice in Wonderland.
First of all, this one definitely looks like Alice in Wonderland. Shame to see such a bad rendition of a pretty girl. Oh well.
Ladies love it, or maybe not…
This one took it a little too far. What is it that ladies love? You? Mm I strongly don’t think so. If it was like that, you would be with a lady by your side. Don’t you think smart pants? I don’t know if it’s only the place where this one is placed or the tattoo itself but it was not a good idea at all.
Creepiest thing ever.
Unlike the other examples above, this one is actually not that bad of a portait. It's just that it's a... zombie? Christopher Walken’s as a zombie, to be more exact.. I mean, I get this person was a really big Christopher Walken fan, but I don't understand why he went with the zombie look.
Dad’s “aingel”
She must be a real Angel... oh, excuse me, “AINGEL”. Pro-tip: even if you think you got it right, you should proof read any words to make sure they're spelled well. Didn’t you even hear of the “Angels” song? Robbie Williams? Apparently not.
This guy must really be a fan of the Insane Clown Posse, because either this is a work of love and devotion or someone who has no self-love. The good thing is that it's plain to see for everyone else now he really is a Juggalo through and through, the bad thing is that it's plain to see for everyone else now he really is a Juggalo through and through.
Funny one
I wouldn’t say WRONG in this case. I mean, of course I would never do this. However, it’s funny and maybe if the guy left his hair grow a little bit more, you won’t see the tattoo. But well, let’s respect this guy’s likes. Against taste there is nothing written.