It is very likely that you have bought any of these products for more than once, but we bet that you didn’t know these interesting facts about them. This list is about to chenge the way you see them.
Hardly anyone thinks about all the ingridients that these products have, and the ones who know about it never want to eat them ever again.
The secret that makes red candy so popular
For many people, the favorite candies are the red ones, because they always have a cherry, strawberry or watermelon flavor. But this red dye is made from a type of bug known as cochineal.
A fact about instant soups
Surely you saw this picture and thought you've been cheated all your life. But before you get angry, this has an explanation. The extra space in the instant soups is used for the noodles when they are cooked and have a better flavor at the time of eating them.
The vanilla flavor comes from an intimate part of the beaver
If vanilla ice cream is your favorite favor, this will change you mind and the way you see it. Castoreum is made from the secretion of beaver's anal glands and is used very often to make vanilla flavoring in sweets, ice cream, baked goods and other things.
Chocolate to wake up in the mornings
Curiously, chocolate, although in a lower concentration than coffee or black tea, contains caffeine, so it can be used as a perfect stimulant and as a delicious alternative.
Cinnamon rolls do not have as much sugar as we thought
Cinnamon rolls are delicious, but many people avoid eating them for the supposed amount of sugar they have. But if you compare it with a soda, the difference is very evident. Rolls have less sugar than a 20-ounce bottle.
Bananas Fight Depression
If you feel a little down, the best food is not chocolate. If you are taking care of your health, you can also eat bananas; they will be very efficient at combating depression.
Oreo cereal exists in South Korea
How to forget Oreo's delicious cereal, but unfortunately they discontinued it. If you thought it didn't exist anymore, you can still buy it in South Korea and you can also get it through Amazon.
All Froot Loops taste the Same
Have you ever noticed that all Froot Loops taste the same. have you? Well yes they do. Although they have different colors, they would make you believe they are different fruits, but they all taste the same.
Oranges are not always orange
If you live in a country with a tropical climate, this will not be new to you. Oranges don't always have an orange shiny color. In this type of climates they don't receive enough cold to break the chlorophyll and stays inside the skin.
Meat from fast food restaurants' hamburgers
We all love these delicious burger, until we start doubting about the origin of the meat. The meat is made with the remains of many cows.
Subway sandwich length
A few years ago Subway was followed by a big scandal. One person realized that the 30 cm breads actually measured 28 cm and this made their loyal followers very angry. The company promised to fix it...
The captain who is not captain
Captain Crunch is one of the most popular cereals, but there is something we have always been cheated about. The character that appears in the box is not a captain, he is actually a commander, the three stripes in his suit prove it.
Do Carrots Really Improve Your Eyesight?
We've been all told that eating carrots was good for our eyesight, but actually we've been all lied. Carrots don't have any property to make your eyesight improve. Eating healthy helps.
Benefits of Cucumbers
Is one of the best vegetables you can consume, and is very low in calories, the cucumber is 96% water, so it is also very good for making hydrating your body.
Avocados can replace butter
Did you know that avocado can replace butter? Use it as a replacement for your favorite recipes and make everything in a healthier way.
Where do peanuts come from?
Have you ever wondered where the peanuts come from? Peanuts are a type of legume that grows underground.
Milk for white teeth
Surprisingly, some dairy products, such as cheese, milk or yogurt, are great mouthwashes thanks to lactic acid, which also takes care of our gums and help maintain our dental health.
Different sizes of eggs
People around the world not only eat chicken's eggs, as Ostriches', for example,they are so bif that four people could eat from just one. Seagulls, meanwhile, are considered a delicacy in countries like the United Kingdom and Norway. Of course, it is not recommended to eat more than 4 or 5 chicken eggs per week.
Mini carrots
These small carrots are not only cute, but they are also delicious. But they are not cultivated in this way, they are actually cut by special machines that gives them this form.
Ginger awake sexual appetite
In 2011, a study concluded that both ginger and saffron have properties capable of arousing sexual desire. Spicy, strawberries or bananas, on the other hand, don't have aphrodisiac properties in them.