Even if we investigate and look for information of human past we won’t be able to know all the history behind us. That’s why when there’s a discovery of old things that we never imagined that could exist, we want to investigate almost everything about it, because it make us feel like we are getting closer to the truth.
For human beings, discovering of our past is an amazing thing due to this we can explain many questions we all are having about the beggining of the world. These are some archeological discoveries that can tell us a little part of the history and may we are going to get surprised by the past. We will never get tired about investigating new things to learn a lot.
Pompeii was an ancient Roman City near the modern Naples. Archaeologists believe that the town was founded in the 6th century BC. Now this place is a tourist destination.
Dead Sea Scrolls
Dead Sea Scrolls are ancient Jewish religious manuscript found in the Qumran Caves near the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in different caves.
Tutankhamun was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty during the Egyptian period in history and is known as the New Kingdom or can be known as New Empire Period.
Rosetta Stone
It was found in 1799. Since its rediscovery, the stone has been the focus of nationalist rivalries, including its transfer from French to British possession during Napoleonic Wars.
14,000 years ago
A team of French archaeologists discovered 45 plates with amazing engravings, including different drawings of animal head surrounded by lightning or flashes and this makes an spectacular visual effect.
Maya rulers
The founder of the Classic Tikal was Yax Ehb Xook. While it is suggested that Maya rulers were legitimized based on family ties, there are many deviations from this in Tikal.
Ancient Roman Aqueducts
Romans constructed many aqueducts throughout the Empire to have water in different cities and towns. Most of the Roman aqueducts proved to be pretty realiable and durable, some wew maintained into the modern era.
Materials, Mummification
Most of the mummification materials were mentioned by the ancient authors Herodotus, Diodorus or Pliny as being used in the mummification process.
Aztec Sacrifice
The god of the sun and war, Huitzilopochtli, is represented by a wolf, and that's why many sacrifices were made with wolfs.
Roman city
The same way as Pompeii this small town was destroyed and left covered by ash after a fire happened.
Bronze dog
In 2017 many things from the roman period were discovered, things and statues that were made with bronze and they were intact.
God of wine
Many archaeological discoveries of the roman period were located in the first months of 2017. One of the discovery was the god of wine.
Pylos Combat Agate
It was created by Minoans in Crete and is an Ancient Greek seal, its creation was about the Mycenaean era. It was discovered in the Griffin Warrior Tomb that is near the Palace of Nestor in Pylos.
Hunting Scenes
A study published in november showed the oldest evidence with dogs. These were found in Saudi Arabia.
Bronze Age
A British Bronze Age settlement is well preserved even if it is 3.000 years old.
This fossa located in Athens it was two meters and a half deep, there were found 80 skulls and some of them had chains around their hands.
16 amphoras full of bronze coins were discovered in Seville during a litle constructions that they were doing at the Olivar de Zaudin park. These were there for almost 17 centuries.
Neanderthal structures
These structures are among the oldest known well dated constructions made by humans.
The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient Greek analog computer and orrery used to predict astronomical positions and eclipses for calendar and astrological purposes decades in advance.
Terracotta Army
It is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang who was the first Emperor of China.