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The Most Viral And Interesting News Stories of world


Brave women who changed the world

Throughout history, women have faced many injustices and thank you to these inspiring female fighters who have inspired us with their braveness, braking all the rules and barriers, and so changing the world we know now.


Everyday things that are banned in China

Although they have a really good economy, these people have serious limitations when it comes to doing something with technology and having fun.


The most dangerous jobs in the world

You may complain sometimes about your job, but when you see some of the most dangerous jobs in the world, you might feel grateful to be where you are. ¡they are so dangerous!


Photos that prove time travelers exist

Can anyone really deny that there are real time travelers throughout our history? Judge for yourself. Look at the evidence!


20 Strangest and weirdest facts about Japan you didn’t know about

This Asian country that has some really unusual facts that you are not going to believe, but you need know them for sure.


The Most Curious Facts about the Dinosaurs

The dinosaurs are some of the biggest mysteries of the world, and it’s just that we all want to know about what happened to them or how there where and lived, that’s why we are about to reveal some crazy about them.


20 Curious Historical Photographs of all Time

We all have seen the famous photography of the first man in the moon, Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue and the beautiful Marilyn Monroe with her white dress. But few have seen these images that you are about to see. These are some really curious images that you need to see.


The most interesting Archaeologist discoveries of all time

We, humans, might think we have discovered all, but there is always many things and mysteries to solve. This is why here are some fascinating archaeologist discoveries you must need to know.


The most curious Photographs taken in Mars

The big red planet, the fourth one, and the one the humans want, Mars, has many secrets that are going to surprise you. Here are some cool and curious photos taken in this mysterious planet.


The best selfies from Rio 2016

This year’s Summer Olympic Games, held in Rio de Janeiro have had many unforgettable moments. Since they are considered a leading international sporting event, many people attend the opening ceremony and the different competition. Don’t miss this post about the best selfies taken in Rio 2016.