Incredible finds on Google Earth

The Most Viral And Interesting News Stories of curiosities


Incredible finds on Google Earth

Google Earth has been viewed by some as a threat to privacy and national security and some contries have requested that certain areas be obscured in Google’s satellite images, usually areas containing military facilities. But afortunately we can still see incredible and mysterious places from a different perpective.


Unique ways these restaurants serve food

We all know that food has too nice before eating, or at least that is what most people think, it is because if the dish doesn’t look good we are not going to want to try the food. That’s why restaurants try their best to surprise their costumers but sometimes there are limits, in this […]


Using coffee to draw detailed paintings

This Italian artist shares her incredible pieces of art painted with coffee and other with tea, making this the best creations with coffee on her instagram. You are going to want to paint.


Minimalist designs, why less is more

For those people who enjoys minimaslism, less is more, for them esthetic and using less space is better. They don’t need too many things to decorate or having a great space to have people’s attention. Without any doubt, these objects are making us feel as if there was too much space. These objects were designed […]


Travel couple are paid to travel around the world and blogging

Imagine traveling around the world with the person you love, and making it a job and getting paid for it, that is what Hannah Spelled and Nick Noordijk did. They record their travels and adventures and share them on instragram, their username is Salt in Our Hair, getting to do many collaborations and creating content for social media which they work for.


Broken pianos in abandoned places

As a pianist, Romain Thiery, went to many countries in Europe to capture these pianos in places that you never imagined that was one, making us feel a kind of mysterious and magical location.


Photographer turns normal pictures into fairytales

This photographer has no limits when it is about imagination and she can turn her normal photos to magical scenes, all the photos were taken on the backyard of her house, loooking as if it was a movie or a fairy tale. Her style is so unique and elegant that every image seems to be real, as if it was possible.


Creative and unusual mailbox designs

People are very creative and this is how they designed their own mailboxes and they show us that there are different and funny shapes, when you get to see every mailbox you won’t know what to do, if you just want to watch it or going to check out if there’s anything for you. Every single one of these have different personalities and are completely different to each other.


Head Coaches salaries in FIFA World Cup 2018

Over many years, World Cup’s qualification has evolved, from having no qualification at all in 1930, when the tournament was invitational and only 13 temas entered, to the current two-year process. Some coaches have expereince training different teams but there are other that are going to be doing their debut on FIFA World Cup.


Smart and creative bus stop advertisements

These are some of the smartest and creatives advertisements on a bus stops, they have great strategies because is impossible not noticing and wanting to buy or get the product.