Dogs are perfect companions because they’re friendly, fun, spontaneous, and they’re also incredibly patient. They adjust easily to new surroundings and they’re very protective of their owners, they’re easy to take care of, and the best thing of all is that they’ll always be there for you!
When it comes to bathing them, most of them hate it, but they look so funny when they are all wet. You’ll love these before and after bath pics!
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: tuskthedog
A dog can help us overcome fear or sadness, we often hug them, and they not only keep us company, but they also give us moral support during difficult times.
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: Marnie The Dog
They are always up for anything, so their company can be really comforting. Dogs have a very positive impact on our lives, they help reduce stress, loneliness, depression, and they can even help us with our self-esteem.
Before Vs. After Bath
Without a doubt, they are the best companions because they'll never judge us or make us feel unworthy, instead, they’ll just share all the love they feel for us.
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: pomsky_princesses
Owning a dog can help you if you’re feeling depressed, especially if you live by yourself. You can even talk to your dog and when you go out for walks with him, you might even meet new people because of your dog!
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: Damaxan
Your dog makes you happy. This is probably because whenever he sees you, he wags his tail like crazy, jumping around and making you feel happy after a very long and stressful day.
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: jazthepetstylist
Dogs can help you keep that mental balance because being with them brings you joy and somehow they can help you adapt to different surroundings. Since you are in charge of them, they help you increase mental maturity.
Before Vs. After Bath
The love and closeness you share with your dog, helps you stay positive. Just by looking at them your body releases oxytocin, a chemical substance which makes you happy!
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: Serenah Hodson
When you own a dog your anxiety levels decrease because of the sense of empathy they make you feel towards others.
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: oscarpom
Dogs are considered man’s best friend because they are loyal, loving, good listeners and the best companions. Without a doubt, having a dog at home is the best thing that can happen to you.
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: yesiamagirl
Dogs can be trained to detect food that you can possibly be allergic to. Just by sniffing your food they can save your life!
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: Green Dog Grooming
Whenever you're sad, playing around with your dog or just sharing a nice moment with him, can help you forget all your problems for a while. This will make you enjoy a real moment of happiness.
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: Gregor Sands
If you own a dog, that means that there are more bacterias in your home and you are more exposed to them. Believe or not, this makes your body stronger so you don’t get sick as often as someone who doesn’t own a dog.
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: bearcoat_tonkey
People who own a dog get to sleep better at night and get sick less frequently. Just by petting your dog, it slows down your heart rate and blood pressure.
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: jazthepetstylist
Your dog can tell when you are sad, and somehow they want to get closer to you to comfort you and make you feel better. It won’t matter if you just wanna hug them all night.
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: teraflux
A dog will never judge you based on your hobbies or what you like, he will just be there for you at all times no matter what. He’ll always think of you as the greatest person on earth, and he'll feel nothing but unconditional love for you.
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: lailabearthepeke
Your dog can be the best travel buddy you could ever wish for because he’ll always be up for anything, he’s going to be the best companion and won’t complain about your plans.
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: truelovemaureen
Since your dog has spent a lot of time with you, he knows when you’re feeling sad, angry or happy. He likes you just the way you are and he’s always paying attention to what you do.
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: huskyblue15
Just being with your dog can make you feel so at ease that they have the power to help you overcome a fear or traumatic experience.
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: Serenah Hodson
If you own a dog, you know that he’ll never judge you; he’ll take you just the way you are because to him you perfect so he definitely loves you.
Before Vs. After Bath
Source: oodlesofpoodleshfx
Dogs just love making other people happy. It’s almost like having your own personal happiness machine!