Of course you ever heard of someone with a strange phobia to something. It was probably something you would never get as the one scared is your friend. I mean, we all have our own weird things but there are some phobias that I don’t get. They are mostly based in bad experiences when we were growing up or not exactly that but fears we could never find a solution to. These, are the 20 strangest phobias in the world.
People who suffer from these, are really afraid of cleaning themselves. So start buying some baby wipes and perfume because if not, you won't get people come near you honey!
This one is a pretty easy phobia to have. It is described as a fear of working or fear to be in a work environment. It has definitely something to do with social anxiety and it happens to people who are not used to accomplishing a deadline and are afraid of constant failure.
OMG I can't believe this one even exists. It is the fear of not having service in your phone. It is known that almost 50% of US habitants have it. We became so addicted to it that I can't even stand it anymore.
This is a pretty sad one, it is described as the fear of falling in love. I can't believe that someone could have it. People who suffer from it end up being alone and are usually the most solitary ones.
Bad dreams and the worst nightmares often are the main cause of this phobia. It is described as being afraid of falling asleep and loosing control of your body. Not your whole body just your dreams I guess.
OMG, this one is pretty tough. Can you imagine being afraid of the sun? Well, it can sound silly but it is not as your body needs it because it had vitamin D and also good endorphins that are able to make you happy.
It is the fear of hair. Some of the people that suffer from it can be afraid of hair they see in other people, the tough part comes when some of them are afraid of their own. That can be pretty intense. Could you even imagine the feeling?
This one is also quite awful, it is the fear of being touched. So please don't go near anyone with this one. You can perhaps ruin their lives just trying to say hi! WOW, it gives me goosebumps of just thinking of it.
This is the fear of any household appliance you have. Imagine it, you can't be a housewife in any sense or even cook your kids meal. It doesn't sound serious but it actually is. It is sad..
It is the famous fear of clowns. I have it. I mean, it is not as common in adults as it is in little kids. However, I always thought that clowns had something hidden inside. They don't look friendly at all.
It is the fear of having new things. Can you think of a birthday with a lot of birthday presents? OMG, that would be a disaster with something that suffers from this phobia.
This is the fear of the woods and the forests. It is quite irrational and comes from a bad experience or dreaming that you were bitten or that something bad happened to you in the forest or with a wooden tool.
It is the fear of making decisions. A lot of people have it but don't recognize it as a true phobia. The thing is that it is difficult to decide some things and it is better to categorize it as a phobia and not taking care of it. So you got to be careful with that too.
It is the fear of coming down the stairs. You can even get dizzy or need someone else's help. You feel like it is a terrifying experience to be inclined in any way. I can't even imagine someone with it, poor person.
This one is a little bit funny. It is the phobia of clustered holes. You are afraid of them and they are usually found on various biological organisms. This is a weird one, c'mon people I don't get it at all.
This is the fear of time passing. It does not surprise me at all that it comes from anxiety and stress. You don't need to panic, just enjoy the time being.
It is the fear of swallowing. That comes with malnutrition and also weight loss. It is a hard phobia to live with as it definitely has a bad impact in your health. You should be careful and be also treated if you acknowledge having some of these.
This one is a little bit funny, people who suffer from it are afraid of belly buttons. They can't touch it, see it or even know that it exist. Imagine taking a bath or going to a beach turns out to be a problem.
This one doesn't make any sense to me. It is the fear of phobias in general. It is a constant fear of being afraid or something like that. So, if you don't suffer from any of the things we described previously, you are saved from this one too.
This is suffering from being afraid of almost everything. It has a little bit to do with this unknown evil that follows you no mater what. This one, in my opinion, is the worst one. I feel like there is no solution to being afraid of absolutely everything. Don't you think?